I hereby declare tat I'll try me best to update this blog as often as possible! *LOL* ok. But seriously, this blog is used more for my SB thots or so I hope. http://www.filmloop.com/x?city1W1kV71h92ax7qZ2FsNueKZ4ET1B

Monday, May 15, 2006

Mother's Day

Yesterday was Mother's Day...

But I din really have a Happy Mother's Day.
Its no biggie if we didn't celebrate it. 'Cos I am just waiting for my turn when Kady grows up.
Would be great if she can rem if she can't... well... :_(

Dh has been bugging me for the past mth or so to lose weight.
He has been bugging me for a while, just tt recently, he has become more persistent.
I like my food. I love food. Getting me not to eat certain stuff is kinda like a torture.
I mean, am I THAT fat??? Ya, most friends are able to stay slim after birth... I dunno whether its the genes or cos they have excellent self-control. I'll be the 1st to admit that I dun have much control when it comes to food.
Esp. sweet stuff...

I was pissed off yesterday. Actually, I still am. We haven't spoken a word since y'day. I know its not healthy... BUT... sigh... What happened was dh made a glass of tea for me y'day. I drank 1/2 of it then took out an ice-cream for Kady & when he saw that I walked out the kitchen holding the ice-cream, he just blew his top. Said he made tea for me but I dun drink & yet eat such stuff. Then proceeded to take away the glass of tea away. I flared & said that I didn't say anything abt not wanting to drink the tea! & that's our last conversation for the day till now... :( I'm pissed... I'm really pissed...& upset. Its such a small thing but I'm bloody pissed. Dun tell me not to get upset over such small stuff... cos its of no use. >:(

This is not the 1st time. Everytime I take out chocs or ice cream, he'll showed a face. Sometimes making insensitive remarks. I have had it up here. I have to clarify that I dun eat chocs or ice cream everyday. Once or twice a week maybe (on average). But definitely not everyday. Sometimes I cldn't help but wonder - is health the only reason as he so often quoted???!!! Like I said, those are not the only stuff I eat. Its not like I am eating it excessively! Then if I rebuked, he'll say stuff like "ok, in future, I dun care/ say anymore!"

What is it with him?? PMSing???!!!


Blogger Ruey said...

*hugs* Sandy

My DH used to make some comments to me too...but I told him that he either loves me for who I am no matter how I look....or we have a huge relationship issue. Life is too short to be obsessive about weight...enjoy yourself but also don't kid yourself if weight becomes a health issue. Maybe you can explain to DH that you would like to try...but by him treating you like a child only makes you upset. You are his wife, his equal, you do not deserve to be treated like that...actually no one deserves to be treated like that...not even Kady. There are nicer ways to point something out. *hugs*

6:02 PM

Blogger shmj said...

Thanks Ruey...

We talked abt it y'day. & hopefully, things will get better! :D

10:10 AM


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